Friday 3 December 2021

Blog Post #9 - Diffusion Theory on Instagram Innovation

 The Innovation of Instagram

Instagram first came into the world 2010 as a social media platform for users to share photos and videos. The platform instantly became popular for its fast and easy "sharing" and "liking" features. Millions of people became early adopters of Instagram as the app began to spread. Within only 2 years, Instagram grew to over 27 million users. Users became obsessed with the app's ability to share and create. With Instagram, it seems as if the possibilities are endless. 

Becoming a Multipurpose App

As Instagram continued to grow in popularity, its features began to grow as well. Instagram was no longer a simple photo and video sharing app. It became a universal platform of inspiration, creativity, job opportunities, advertising, travel, and entrepreneurship. 

Since Instagram was launched, the platform has become home to thousands of companies. Many users utilize Instagram as a free way to advertise their company and market their products. In fact, many online companies are solely Instagram-based. This means that the company started through Instagram and continues to reside in the app as a business platform. 

Companies that rose to fame on Instagram have adapted an aspect known as an influencer. Influencers are typically independent accounts of users that have over 10,000 followers. Companies pay influencers to post about their products on their accounts to appeal to their large following. Instagram has helped change so many lives and the world of advertising as we know it. 

The Late Adopters

Despite Instagram's popularity and fast spread, there are still plenty of people who do not use the app or have an account. This is mainly due to Instagram's target audiences and demographics. For starters, Instagram is suited for younger audiences, typically between the ages of 14 and 30. Since Instagram was released after Facebook, many older generations did not see a need to download Instagram. Facebook has users that are typically people within the age of 40 and 70. Essentially, if you are simply looking to share pictures about your kids and grandkids, Instagram is not for you.  

Positives and Negatives 

When looking into the positives and negatives of downloading Instagram, there isn't really a huge difference. Instagram does offer many positive aspects, such as job opportunities and social aspects. However, the social media platform does not offer any hinderances to people who do not have the app downloaded. You can still access ads, job opportunities, share photos and videos, and socialize with people in other places online. 

Yes, Instagram is wonderful, but there are many other platforms that have the same aspects as Instagram. Without Instagram, you might actually find yourself obsessing less over other people's lives and focusing more on your own. Too many, Instagram is a negative distraction and takes up too much time. What do you think?

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