Sunday 31 October 2021

Blog Post #1 - Top 5 News Sources

5 Sources of Where I Get my News! 

I feel as if I am always the last person to know anything. Whether it's celebrity gossip, breaking news, or a new iPhone being released, everyone seems to know about it before I do. This is so crazy to me, especially since I am ALWAYS on my phone. You might be wondering, how does someone who is always on their phone consistently miss news updates? I have been asking myself that very same question for years. 

However, I recently made a change by subscribing to specific news sources that my friends said they use to get their information. Now, I am constantly getting updated on all things trending. It is so important to know what is going on in the world around us! My top 5 news sources are Apple News, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter. 

 1. Apple News
The Apple News app is my favorite source of news to get information. I even have the app set up to send me notifications about trending topics and social media buzz (as recommended by my friends). I like being the first to know about what is going on so I can discuss it with others.  Recently, I have found myself being one of the first people to know about trending news! Apple News is free of news that can be misleading or considered fake. The news gets straight to the point and is written professionally. 

  2. Snapchat
Snapchat is my main source of all things celebrity gossip. I have recently been into watching a lot of trending shows, and I am always excited to hear about upcoming seasons, spoilers, and trouble on set. My roommate and I are always talking about the latest celebrity mishaps. I also enjoy hearing about new celebrity relationships forming and what is going on in their lives. Snapchat has different channels that you can subscribe to, such as Elite Daily and Hollywire, where you can receive news about your favorite celebrities and internet personalities! 

 3. TikTok
TikTok is great for learning about major political and celebrity controversies. I have used TikTok many times to watch reactions and opinions from people on political matters and celebrity information. TikTok is excellent to get a first impression on the reactions behind the information you see on platforms such as Apple News. I mainly use TikTok to get information on product reviews before I buy them myself. I can't tell you enough how many times I have bought a product simply because I saw it on TikTok. This is a dangerous app is you are trying to save money!!!

 4. YouTube
YouTube is the best source for in depth information about any subject. I always use YouTube when I want to see a longer explanation about a trending topic or controversy. YouTube is also perfect for long product reviews, in which you can see people react to packaging, unboxing, and trying out a product for the first time. YouTube is also essential for celebrity gossip as well to go into more detail about a specific trending topic. I'm sure we all remember when the controversy with Morphe and James Charles went down. I saw his apology video on YouTube and was instantly spreading gossip, 

 5. Twitter
I use Twitter as a last resort to typically see the live content that I hear about from other news sources. In other words, if I see on Snapchat that an influencer is in trouble for tweeting something offensive, I will use Twitter to see the exact tweet for myself. I rarely ever use Twitter now but it is always there as an option to sit back and watch the live action drama unfold.

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