Friday 19 November 2021

Blog Post #5 - Antiwar Voices in the Media

 The American Conservative and Antiwar Voices

As Americans, the First Amendment is a very important and crucial document in our lives. Freedom of speech is arguably one of our most valued freedoms. However, in terms of war, the concept of dissent can be seen as imposing a threat on the government. In other words, those who utilize the First Amendment to speak their opinions against the government can find themselves in serious trouble. However, according to the First Amendment, citizens have the right to dissent. 

What is in the News Today? 

There are many famous mainstream news sources, such as Fox News and CNN. However, there is something very special about these mainstream news sources. Fox News and CNN are very biased, meaning that they have a specific target audience that they communicate specific viewpoints to. It is very common for people to listen to news and information that only aligns with their political beliefs and opinions. More often than not, people don't like to be told that their viewpoint is wrong. Fox News and CNN provide news that people want to hear because it supports their beliefs. 

What News is Hidden? 

There are always two sides to a story, right? While mainstream news sources such as Fox News and CNN run the media, there are other outlets to information that are not so easy to find. This information typically deals with dissent and antiwar voices that you don't see in the media. American Conservative and are two websites that contain information and viewpoints that is not seen in mainstream media. Why? It's simple. People don't want to listen to or hear information that doesn't align with their viewpoints. Mainstream news sources such as Fox News and CNN have an agenda they need to keep by  maintaining a certain number of viewers. This means learning who their demographics are and only showing information that caters towards their needs. 

American Conservative and deal with information that has extreme opinions and viewpoints on war. Mainstream outlets don't have a lot of this content on their platforms because it doesn't agree or align with the majority of their audience and viewers. These two websites are very hard to find, and I bet most people have never even heard of them. If you want to look for an antiwar perspective, you will have to search hard and dig a little deeper since they are not among the first sites to pop up on Google. 

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