Friday 19 November 2021

Blog Post #6 - EOTO Technology Presentations

 The Evolution of Technology 

In class, I had the privilege of hearing several creative presentations about the evolution and impact of technology. Today, my generation is very fortunate to have such advanced technology to accomplish tasks and make our lives easier. However, the technology we use today had to evolve from somewhere. While listening to my classmates presentations, there were three inventions that I found especially interesting and did not know a lot about. These inventions are the printing press, film, and instagram. 

The Printing Press
The printing press is an exceptional invention that has revolutionized that way we communicate and spread information quickly. I learned that the printing press dates back all the way to to year 1440. This shocked me because I had no idea that the world had been "printing" words that long ago. In my mind, I didn't think the printing press was invented until much later. I also learned that the first printing press ever made was able to print up to 3,600 pages a DAY. I find that absolutely amazing considering the time period and level of advancement correlation. 

Overall, the printing press has made a huge impact on our society, including causing literacy levels to rise. It was discovered that people had a much easier time reading printed words rather than handwritten words. Of course, the printing press evolved to a much more efficient piece of machinery that we have today: the electronic printer. 


Learning about the first film had to be the most interesting invention I heard about in class. This is mainly because I lack a lot of knowledge about this topic and I have no idea how film began or became what it is today. To begin, I learned that the first photo taken was in 1826! That is so crazy to me. I find it very hard to wrap my head around the fact that we weren't able to document historical evens before 1826, unless it was an oil paining of course. I take pictures every single day, as well as film and watch videos, and I can't imagine my life any different. 

I also learned that film was first used to tell a story through taking rapid photos to show movement. This concept was accomplished by taking rapid pictures of a horse, as shown above. Let's just say I'm very thankful I didn't live back during this time period!

Ah, Instagram. Everyone loves it, right? Instagram was created in 2010 for the sole purpose of allowing people to share their lives and experiences through photos. However, I didn't know that Instagram became revolutionary for social communication! Despite the primary purpose of Instagram, many people began to develop connection with other users within the app through their instant message feature. In fact, a lot of relationships have even formed due to meeting on the app! 

I find it crazy that the app allows for people to become best friends with people they have never met before and people that live on the other side of the world. I also learned that Instagram is one of the ultimate news platforms for media coverage! What was a simple photo sharing app is now a combination of pictures, videos, advertisements, jobs, and more! Instagram has evolved into one of the most popular social media platforms today. 


I couldn't be more thankful for the technology I have today. After learning about the first models of evolved technology, I have a grater appreciation for the efficiency I walk around with! Most inventions in the beginning were operated mechanically before electricity was discovered. Now, almost all machines are operated by electricity! 

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